Optimizing Customer Relationship Management for Dosti Realty

Use cases:
CRM Solution
Real Estate

Dosti Realty, renowned as one of the city's most successful developers of affordable luxury homes, has built its reputation on delivering high-quality living spaces that combine luxury and comfort while maintaining affordability. Understanding and nurturing customer relationships is crucial for success in this competitive real estate landscape.

Dosti Realty relied on traditional methods to manage customer relationships and inquiries. These methods, while functional, often resulted in inefficiencies, data fragmentation, and missed opportunities for personalized customer engagement. With the evolving expectations of homebuyers and the increasing demand for tailored services, Dosti Realty faced the challenge of optimizing its customer relationship management (CRM) to stay ahead in the affordable luxury real estate market.


To address these challenges and excel in delivering personalized experiences, RightSide develpoed a customized Omnichannel CRM solution for Dosti Realty. This CRM served as a centralized platform for managing customer interactions, inquiries, preferences, and feedback. It facilitated seamless communication, automate lead nurturing, and provide data-driven insights to better understand customer needs and preferences.

After implementing this customized Omnichannel CRM solution, Dosti Realty enhanced its ability to deliver tailored experiences, improved customer engagement, and streamlined sales and marketing processes. This transformation empowerd the client to maintain its position as a leader in the affordable luxury real estate sector, offering prospective buyers a space filled with luxury, comfort, and an unmatched customer experience.

The following features were customised and deployed

  • Integration with multiple third-party applications
  • Customised Omnichannel CRM Solution
  • Customised MIS
  • Realtime Dashboard
  • Integrated Telephony
  • Integrated Email
  • Integrated SMS
  • Integrated WhatsApp

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Dosti Relaty

Optimizing Customer Relationship Management for Dosti Realty

  • Industry: Resl Estate
  • Company Size: 1000 employees
  • Location: Mumbai, India
  • Solution: CRM Solution

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Dosti Relaty

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